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Jul 22, 2024

The federal government recently announced that $993 million was being awarded toward the $2.1 billion cost to replace the aging Sagamore Bridge that spans the Cape Cod Canal and is only one of two vehicle bridges that are the lifelines to Cape Cod & the Islands. Both bridges are nearly 90 years old and are in need of replacement. Combined with previously announced federal grants and state-committed money, construction can soon begin on the Sagamore. Paul Niedzwiecki, the CEO of the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, and Matt Pitta, Director of Communication with The Davenport Companies, co-host this edition of the policy pod to discuss when construction could begin and the strategy to secure funding for the Bourne Bridge replacement. The effort to secure funding was supported by the Cape & Islands Bridges Coalition, led by the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, which lobbied extensively to secure the money.